Wednesday, October 19, 2011

wow. feeling angry.

I haven't felt much like writing in awhile. I've been busy deciding how to go about retraining my own disordered relationship with food; which I will get into at a later date, but tonight I have something else on my mind...

 I had my hair done today by the talented and wonderful John Keane over at Salon du Monde (look him up if you are in the market for a stylist, he's great) and I was feeling pretty sassy. I decided to go online and "window shop" for really classy clothes that I can't really afford on my teacher's pay.

My search led me to check out Neiman Marcus' website. I have always viewed Neiman Marcus as one of those places I would love to shop were I to have that kind of pocket change; but now I believe the bloom is off the rose and now even if I were Oprah rich I would not shop there.

I was glad to see they offered plus size clothes at first glance. It took me a minute to realize it though, because it's listed under "special sizes" as "women's." This was okay. I'm used to being resigned to "special" read "not normal" sizes. I wasn't insulted yet. It wasn't until I clicked on the women's section that I was horrified.

As the new page flashed upon my screen, I was immediately slapped in the face by the images in front of me. The models in front of me were skinny. Not your usual size 10 models they have modeling plus (don't get me started about how effed up THAT is) but size 0 skinny. Airbrushed down to freak proportions skinny, look I can touch my fingertips around my waist skinny.

Apparently fat girls are so abhorrent to Neiman Marcus they can't even show them modeling fat girl clothes! How is a girl supposed to tell how the clothes look on a larger frame?

Way to go Neiman Marcus. You have officially cured me of my fascination with you. At least until you can deign to show some real women on your website, instead of emaciated, and then further airbrushed down freaks.

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